Revelstoke Osteopathy & Wellness proposes Osteopathy, Registered Massage Therapy, General Family Practice
Osteopathy is a holistic manual therapy that considers all of the different systems of the body to be interconnected, therefore working together as a functional unit. Osteopathy looks for the cause of the problem, rather than focusing on only the symptoms. Once the cause has been found, the osteopathic practitioner treats the dysfunction. However, they also ensure that the rest of the body and its different systems are integrating the changes. This prevents the body from developing compensatory patterns and/or moving back into its dysfunctional state. This is sometimes what happens when only addressing the apparent symptoms. It is a whole body/integrating system approach.
The price of one consultation for an adult is 135$ (inc. GST $6.43) and the duration is 55 minutes.
Special prices are applied for the babies (110$ if under 12 months old) and the children (120$ if under 10 years old).
General Family Practice
Services Offered
General Family Practice
Sexual Health/Contraception
Mental Health
Addiction Support
Visits for Out-of-Province
Visits for Out-of-Country
Work Safe Claims
Travel Medicine
Driver’s Medical